Happiness is not a destination It is a way of life

About me


My name is Zofia Hecht and I have been involved in personal development training and individual and group coaching for 20 years – improving the quality of life and increasing the freedom to achieve set goals.

Through thousands of hours of work with people, I have created a unique system that helps individuals find their life path, specify goals and the steps required to achieve them.

I use a combination of unique methods that I adapt to both the needs and the current situation of the person I work with. I have never shied away from helping, guiding and showing other people the way.

I see body and mind as one and strongly believe in their integration. By influencing these systems, synergy occurs, which leads to stronger mental strength. How we feel and perceive the world is always the result of previous thoughts, choices and experiences. I am convinced that nothing is static and that everything can change for the better.

My academic background includes economics, philosophy and languages, and I have over 25 years of experience in management, banking and insurance.

I come from Poland. My Polish heritage taught me humility in the face of adversity and a great respect for human existence.

My childhood gave me knowledge and interest in alternative sources of health, and my grandmother gave me the knowledge of what I call home remedies. What we eat, how we think, feel and act and how it affects us is something I am passionate about.

Much of this is so-called common sense that is currently arousing research interest around the world when it comes to disease management.

I am based in Stockholm and I speak Swedish, Polish and English. I travel often and no distance is too far for me.

If you have any questions, please contact me!

Kind regards,

Zofia Hecht

You only live once, but live well, ten times is enough.
(Mae West) Where there is love, there is life. (Mahatma Gandhi)

Zofia Hecht

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