Emotional code
The Emotion Code is a method developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson that aims to identify and release trapped emotions, also known as “emotional baggage.”
According to the method, negative emotions from past experiences can be stored in the body and affect both our physical and emotional well-being.
These trapped emotions can contribute to stress, anxiety, physical pain, and even affect our relationships and decisions.
The method is based on the principle that emotions are energy and that these energies, if not processed or expressed, can become stuck in the body.
The Emotion Code focuses on releasing these energy blockages to restore balance and promote health.
Muscle testing is used to communicate with the body's subconscious. By asking questions and observing muscle responses, the therapist or individual can identify what emotions are trapped, when they arose, and what impact they have.
Muscle testing identifies the specific emotions that are trapped, as well as the time when they arose. Sometimes it can also be revealed whether the emotion is connected to a specific event or relationship.
Once a trapped emotion has been identified, a magnet is used to release it. The therapist draws the magnet along the body's energy pathways, usually across the spine, while focusing on the specific emotion. This helps to release the emotional energy and restore balance.
After a session, the client may experience emotional relief, improved physical health, or greater clarity. Emotional reactions may also occur as the body adjusts to the changes.
The Emotion Code is a method for identifying and releasing negative emotions that are stuck in the body. By dissolving these blockages, one can improve their physical and emotional well-being, gain more energy, and experience greater inner harmony. The method is easy to use and can be adapted for both adults and children, making it a valuable tool for anyone seeking personal development and healing.
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