Recall Healing

What is Recall Healing?

Recall Healing is a therapy method developed by Gilbert Renaud that aims to identify and resolve the underlying emotional conflicts that can contribute to physical and mental health problems.

The method is based on the principle that the body and mind are closely connected and that many illnesses have their roots in unresolved emotional traumas or conflicts.

Recall Healing helps individuals become aware of these hidden conflicts by examining past life events, family patterns, and generational traumas.

By “remembering” and processing these events, the individual can release negative energies and contribute to the body’s natural healing process.

How does Recall Healing work?

The method involves an in-depth examination of the individual's life history and emotional experiences, focusing on three main areas:

Personal life story

By analyzing past events, such as childhood trauma or stressful life situations, the therapist identifies the emotional conflicts that may have affected health.

Family patterns and generational traumas

Recall Healing emphasizes that certain emotional conflicts and behavioral patterns can be passed down from previous generations. By examining family history, one can identify recurring themes and resolve these “inherited” conflicts.

The biological cycle

The method takes into account recurring cycles in life, where specific events or emotions can activate previously unresolved conflicts. This can help the individual see connections between past experiences and current health problems.

Benefits of Recall Healing

Working with Recall Healing can provide a range of physical, emotional and mental benefits:

Deeper self-awareness:
By exploring their emotional roots and life patterns, the individual can gain a deeper understanding of their behaviors, reactions, and health problems.
Emotional healing:
Identifying and processing unresolved conflicts can lead to a sense of emotional release and relief. This can reduce stress, anxiety, and other emotional burdens.
Improved physical health:
With the support of a coach, you can analyze different options and make better decisions. The coach's objective perspective helps you see opportunities and risks in a new way.
Liberation from family patterns:
By identifying and breaking negative generational patterns, the individual can create new, healthy ways of relating to themselves and others.
Increased awareness and empowerment:
Recall Healing helps individuals take responsibility for their own health and well-being. By becoming aware of the connection between emotions and the body, they gain tools to deal with future challenges more effectively.
Improved relationships:
When hidden conflicts are resolved, the individual may experience improved relationships, as old patterns of fear, guilt, or anger no longer influence interactions with others.


Recall Healing is a holistic method that focuses on resolving the emotional conflicts that can underlie health problems.

By delving deeply into the individual's life history and family patterns, the method can contribute to emotional release, improved physical health, and a greater sense of inner harmony.

It is a powerful tool for anyone seeking profound healing and personal development.

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