VIP - Vitality + Independency+ Progress

I help people over 40 maintain vitality, strength and overall mental and physical fitness, thanks to the use of the unique.

The V.I.P method

What is Coaching?

Coaching is a process in which a coach helps an individual or group to achieve specific goals, develop their potential and overcome obstacles. By asking powerful questions, listening actively and providing tools and strategies, the coach supports the client in finding their own solutions and taking responsibility for their decisions.

Coaching can be used in many areas, such as personal development, career, leadership and health. It differs from therapy in that it focuses on the present and the future, rather than analyzing the past.

Benefits of Coaching:
Clarity and focus
Increased self-awareness
Improved decision-making
Increased self-confidence and motivation
Development of new skills

Goal Mapping

Goal Mapping is a personal development method created by Brian Maynedesigned to help individuals and groups set and achieve goals in a structured and inspiring way.

The method combines traditional goal-setting principles with the power of visual tools and positive thinking.

Based on brain science, it uses both the left brain (logic and structure) and the right brain (creativity and visualization) to create a clear, engaging plan for success.

Goal mapping can be applied in various areas such as personal development, career, health, education and team development.

The method is easy to learn and suitable for both adults and children.

Easy to use and customize
Improved teamwork
Sustainable use of the brain
Increased motivation

Emotion Code

The Emotion Code is a method developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson, whose goal is to identify and release trapped emotions, also known as “emotional baggage.”

According to this method, negative emotions from past experiences can be stored in the body and affect our physical and emotional well-being.

These trapped emotions can cause stress, anxiety, physical pain, and even affect our relationships and decisions.

This method is based on the principle that emotions are energy and that these energies, if not processed and expressed, can become stuck in the body.

The Emotion Code focuses on removing energy blockages to restore balance and improve health.

Reduced physical pain
Improve emotional health
Better relationships
Increased energy and vitality
Greater mental clarity

Recall Healing

Recall Healing is a therapeutic method developed by Gilbert Renaud that aims to identify and address the effects of emotional conflicts that can lead to physical and mental health problems.

A method based on the assumption that the body and mind are closely connected, many words have their roots in unresolved emotional or conflict trauma.

Recall Healing helps individuals become aware of these hidden conflicts by examining past life events, family patterns, and generational trauma.

By "remembering" and processing these events, an individual can release negative energy and contribute to the body's natural healing process.

Improved physical health
Deeper self-awareness
Improved physical health
Improved relationships


Qigong is a thousands-year-old Chinese form of exercise that combines gentle, flowing movements with breathing techniques and mental concentration. The word “qigong” consists of two parts: “Qi,” which can be translated as life energy, and “Gong,” which means work or practice. Together, qigong involves working with the body’s energy to promote balance and harmony between body and mind.

Qigong is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and is used to improve health, strengthen the body, and promote well-being. There are different forms of qigong, from calm and meditative to more physically demanding varieties.

Increases your vitality and sense of well-being
Rejuvenates you in both body and soul
Increases concentration
Improves your health in case of high blood pressure, insomnia, asthma, joint problems, headaches
Helps keep stress levels down


Sunday, January 12, 2025

Do you long for more energy, inspiration, a more flexible and healthier body? You will get the tools to make your body and mind feel better, have a more flexible and agile body and be able to deal with stress.


Increases your vitality and sense of well-being
Helps to keep stress levels down
Promotes your physical fitness
Rejuvenates you in both body and mind
Improves your health in case of high blood pressure, insomnia, asthma, joint problems, headaches
Increases concentration ability
Better balance
Muscle endurance
To relax with the will
Good for digestion
We finish with about 10 minutes of mindfulness

No prior knowledge needed

Where: Ellen Keys gata 33, Fruängen, studio Progress by All
Time: 10:00 – approx. 11:30 (we have a short break)
Investment: 185 SEK in the price of fruit/nuts
NOTE! Qigong is considered health care according to the Swedish Tax Agency. You are welcome to receive an invoice
Registration: Binding to Zofia by texting/ 070 779 6302
or emailing (Group of max. 13 people)

About Me


My name is Zofia Hecht and for the past 20 years I have been engaged in personal development training as well as individual and group coaching - improving the quality of life and increasing the freedom in achieving set goals.

Through thousands of hours of working with people, I have created a unique system that helps individuals find their life path, clarify goals and the necessary steps to achieve them.

I use a combination of unique methods that I adapt to both the needs and current situation of the person I work with. I have never shied away from helping, guiding and showing other people the way.

I see body and mind as one and strongly believe in their integration. By influencing these systems, a synergy is created that leads to stronger mental strength. How we feel and perceive the world is always the result of previous thoughts, choices and experiences. I am convinced that nothing is static and that everything can change for the better.

My academic background includes economics, philosophy and languages, and I have over 25 years of experience in management, banking and insurance.

I come from Poland. My Polish heritage has taught me humility in the face of adversity and great respect for human existence.

My childhood gave me knowledge and interest in alternative health sources and my grandmother gave me knowledge of what I call home remedies. What we eat, how we think, feel and act and how it affects us is something I am passionate about.

Much of it is so-called common sense that is now attracting interest from researchers around the world in the field of disease treatment.

I am based in Stockholm and speak Swedish, Polish and English. I travel often and no distance is too far for me.
Contact me if you have any questions!

Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.

Henry Ford

Zofia Hecht

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